1. Overworking

Always grinding, never stopping.

You’re burning the candle at both ends and it’s running out of wax.

Solution: Set Boundaries

Seriously, set a quitting time and stick to it.

Use time-blocking to make sure you get those breaks.

2. Lack of Boundaries

Work and life are one big blur.

You’re answering emails at dinner and taking calls in bed.

Solution: Schedule Work Time And Life Time

Draw a line in the sand.

Turn off work notifications after hours and designate “me time.”

3. Micromanaging

You’re trying to do everything yourself, and it’s driving you nuts.

Solution: Delegate Tasks

Trust your team.

Hand off tasks and focus on the big picture.

4. Neglecting Self-Care

You’re skipping meals, sleep, and anything fun.

It’s all work, no play.

Solution: Prioritize Self-Care

Schedule time for exercise, hobbies, and relaxation.

Make self-care a must-do.

5. Perfectionism

You’re chasing perfection and never feeling satisfied.

Nothing’s ever “good enough.”

Solution: Embrace Imperfection

Set realistic goals and celebrate progress.

Learn to be okay with “good enough.”

6. Isolation

You’re going solo and it’s lonely at the top.

No one to share the load or the wins.

Solution: Build a Support Network

Connect with other entrepreneurs, mentors, or join a mastermind group.

7. Ignoring Warning Signs

You’re brushing off the early signs of burnout, thinking you can push through.

Solution: Recognize and Act

Pay attention to fatigue and irritability.

Adjust your workload and seek help early.